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Revolutionize Your Child’s Life As A “Kidpreneur”!

Entrepreneurship is becoming more and more popular in today’s society; it is simply the process of starting a business or other organization. The entrepreneur is responsible for his or her own success or failure. But, what if you have a child? How would that apply to him or her? It’s simple: “Kidpreneur”. Peggy Caruso a certified executive and personal development coach has used her unique skills as both a NLP master practitioner and advanced hypnotherapist to author the book “Revolutionize Your Child’s Life: A Simple Guide to Health, Wealth, and Welfare of Your Child” that answers that question!

What is a “kidpreneur” you ask? According to eight-time entrepreneur Caruso, “it is instilling entrepreneurial ideals into children that helps them to become successful adults. I will have parents come up to me and say, ‘well, maybe I do not want my child to own their own business.’ That is not what it means! It means learning entrepreneurial skills to help them in a career and it helps them to learn problem solving and reinforces communication. A lot of communication is lost now with social media. Teaching children entrepreneurial ideals helps you to learn what their skill sets, talents, and abilities are.”

Caruso goes on to explain that, “this particular book is based on preventative measures for parents from things that I deal with on a daily basis; all the negative things we are faced with such as bullying, cutting, divorce and social media. How to pay attention and understand behavioral patterns and how they are changing. Knowing what to look for, the thought process of your child and how to turn negatives into positives. These are the key things I put into my book to help parents.”Caruso-Revitalize

The book contains information and tips on what to look for and prevent, like bullying and how to help your child persist. Though Caruso feels that one trait deserves a bit more attention saying that, “my very best and all time favorite of all of them is one that we all seem to bypass; gratitude. I truly believe that all negative influences deserve a positive intervention. To be grateful enhances empathy and builds character; which builds kindness. The entrepreneurial side of teaching kids to be a “kidpreneur” all starts and stems from gratitude.”

“Revolutionize Your Childs Life” provides insight on how to prepare your child for success by addressing such factors as the importance of visualization, how to be persistent, and the power of masterminding. According to Caruso, “visualization is huge in many areas of a child’s life. Daydreaming is important as it goes hand in hand with goal setting. Children should have goals and it is important to have them dream and dream big! Encourage them and give them a happy place to go to!”

When asked what the three main factors a reader can gain from the book “Revolutionize Your Child’s Life”, Caruso says, “understanding your mind – your conscious mind, and unconscious mind. I think it is extremely important for us to understand the importance of gratitude and also how to get out of a negative and turn it around to make it a positive.”

“The book is not just for parents, but also for grand parents or anyone who deals with children,” says Caruso. “The book provides you with information on how to understand your child’s behavior and how to turn it around.”

Throughout her professional career, Caruso has helped numerous adolescent clients rid themselves of depression, ADD, and ADHD medications. “I teach them how to calm down. The key is learning what it takes to calm a child’s mind.”

Peggy Caruso has authored several books including, “Revolutionize Your Life”, “Revolutionize Your Corporate Life”, and “Revolutionize Your Child’s Life” which all comprise the “Revolutionize” series. Peggy currently resides in Dubois, Pennsylvania and offers a complementary 30-minute consultation. You can connect with Caruso at


By Ella Frazier

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