City Insight Magazine
People Poetry/Expression Social & Entertainment

Kimberly Harris – A Story Told Through Poetry

Poetry has always been a creative way of expressing actual thoughts and experiences that relate to the poet or others. It’s a way to shine light on glorious and maybe not so glorious moments through pen and paper or spoken word. Kimberly Harris has been making a mark for years by allowing her excitement of poetry to ignite the emotion in her readers. The messages in her poems brings forth the opportunity for her audience to learn from her experience. Ms. Harris states, “Others can learn about overcoming personal trials within the words of my poetry”.

So how has Kimberly’s background made preparation for this amazing journey through poetry? Being that the background of Ms. Harris is in psychology, it has taught her the ability to tap into the human intellect and emotions. This passion is invaluable when it comes to effectively directing her expressions to those who need it— all through that magic word, poetry. Kimberly’s poetry has a mission of uplifting and encouraging those that believe in living their lives through inspiration of self-improvement geared to enunciate a positive change in the lives of her readers.

Kimberly Harris is a seasoned poetess that is published. Among other accolades, one of the most memorable is having a poem in the Wilson archives and winning 3rd place in Las Vegas at the International Poetry Competition. Ms. Harris is not only looking to continue writing relevant poetry, but also welcomes feedback so she can know first hand that her words are positively impacting others.

Whether you are a fan of poetry or not, it is traditionally interpreted as a basis or platform for art across the board ranging from music, love, and life experiences. It surely hasn’t received the recognition it deserves being that poetry is in every aspect of life and should be dubbed, the ultimate form of expression. So if you are not a self-proclaimed fan of poetry, then perhaps you are not realizing that you are already a fan, as it exists in more ways than you think! Poetry shapes what is written, even though it initially began as only a thought.

You can contact Kimberly at 919-374-6223 or email as she will be reaching the audience of The City Insight moving forward.

The City Insight decided to showcase a few poetry pieces by Kimberly Harris to give you an example of her excellent work. Please take a look.


“The Eve of My 50th

By Kimberly Harris



I celebrate as I mourn. The ending of the beginning of what can be the greatest era of my life.

The tide has washed away the stains of regrets and ushered in the dawn of a new beginning…

So many lessons have been learned; so many seeds have been planted…

The Winter of my youth slips away and the Spring of my wisdom comes to light..

I am what I am and I have what I’ve lived…

49 chapters have unfolded and the journey continues..

Enlightened and Illuminated with zeal and understanding..

Humility becomes my goal. Knowing becomes my navigator, and love becomes my blanket and my shield for the chapters yet to come…

It seems like only yesterday I began my cycles and here I am closing the box of my youth and anticipating my space in wisdoms classroom…

Less worries..more laughter, Less pain..more sunshine, Less tears…more rejoicing..

That’s the promise of my life once I open my eyes in the land of 50…Finally the story ends for the student. The teaching must now begin. Coming into a new realm..a new season..a new purpose.

It’s time to preach what I’ve practiced..walk what I’ve talked, and dance for joy, for truth and dance for life..

I’m scared, but I’m ready.. Happy New Day to me…



“Growing Up Vs. Growing Old”

By Kimberly Harris


What makes the difference in ”Knowing” vs “Aging”?..How do we reap the benefits of making choices vs. living with the consequences from the choices we’ve made?..

Life has many colors, comes in many shapes and allows us to choose the size.. Life can be compatible with lilacs, peaches and pearls “or it can be as midnight and cold..

We can learn to embrace change and TRUST adjustment Or run with all our might towards our ignorance and cling to symbols of familiarity, no matter how painful they’ve been..

Growing up means becoming too strong to run, to confident to hide and to brave to resist..

It’s about getting it done, making it happen..without excuse , without fear, or without doubt..

Growing old is the practice of insanity on a full –time basis.. Doing that same thing over and over BUT expecting different results.

Life has two rewards; the gift of prosperity and the poison of pride… so, grow up or grow old..YOU CHOOSE..


“Rainy Moments”

By Kimberly Harris


The rain, the rain…Cleansing and soothing to the elements of life and of love..

Powerful and strong, the thunder roars…

Repentance and rewards are left behind..

Reflect the daily activities as it calms the soul..

Enjoy your mate.. read your book.. and bask in the gifts of fulfillment during this time..

Divine presence aligns our souls and all but peace is void…


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