City Insight Magazine
Health & Wellness Insight Tips

Staying Happy and Healthy During the New Abnormal

Life in this new era feels anything but normal! We’ve been asked to lock down and completely revamp how we work, play, shop and visit. We’re faced with environmental, physical, emotional and financial threats all at once, and that creates stress, which shuts down the immune system. A self-care program to keep us well during the pandemic – and beyond – is essential to keeping us happy and healthy!

Here are some great tips:

Limit fear-based media consumption! Even if we are not watching the screen, merely hearing the news can subconsciously produce anxiety. Know your limit and stick to it.

Grounding/earthing – Per Dr. Laura Koniver, M.D., “Physically touching the earth directly has been clinically proven through blood tests, imaging studies, sleep tests and research to be an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory agent, providing head-to-toe healing inside and out.” Plus, it just feels good! Check out her free e-book:

Mind your posture! Our posture can really suffer from overusing technology and sitting too long. As more of us are working from home, where we lack an ergonomically fit workspace, this becomes an even greater challenge. Avoid working from the couch or bed. Stand, walk and stretch frequently. Use a proper screen height, set to eye level, to avoid slumping. 

Breathe! To alleviate stress and build resiliency, use diaphragmatic breathing and meditation for an immediate relaxation response. Or, try channeling your inner Yogi! Yoga links breath with movement, which can help decrease anxiety and improve flexibility.

Move! Exercise improves mood, energy, focus and immunity. Also, when we exercise, we release nitric oxide, which increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to the muscles. Gym closed? No problem. Check out this 4-minute workout by Dr. Zach Bush:

Avoid mindless snacking. Unlimited access to the pantry & fridge during lockdown? Keep protein rich snacks available.  Protein is satiating, which allows us to feel full faster and avoid crashes that carbs might produce. Reach for hard boiled eggs, nuts and veggies!

To boost your immunity, avoid sugar, caffeine, processed foods & eat more nutrient dense foods – lots of dark leafy greens and vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. Make sure you get ample vitamin C and D and take a good zinc supplement. 

Practice safe technology – During lockdown, we are interacting far more with our cell phones, tablets and other devices. We can’t escape technology, nor do we want to! But we can take measures to use technology safely.  Here’s a great resource:


There’s a lot happening in the world that is out of our control, but we can take control of our own health and happiness. 

To learn more about Lynn, visit

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