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Flowing Into Spring: Vinyasa Yoga

Culminating with the beautiful growth of flowers and nature, the spring season offers a chance for rebirth and fresh starts. The clocks have sprung forward, sunshine is waking from hibernation, and the body desperately needs rest and rejuvenation from the burnout of everyday life. When it comes to physical fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle, balance is vital. Not every lunch break demands the intensity of a Spartacus class or finds the gentle atmosphere of stretching effective. Yet in the marriage of power and grace, a practiced, conscious flow of the body from one movement to another is capable of transforming exercise routines.  

Vinyasa is a particular style of yoga that draws from strength training, pilates, and the philosophy of yoga. Within the Vinyasa practice, participants enter a posture of consciousness, allowing the body to smoothly flow from one sequence to another. Vinyasa combines the best aspects of classical yoga while incorporating elements of power through repetitive endurance exercises. These seamless transitions of movement hold endless possibilities for yoga attendees and instructors to proactively work on a balanced, grounded self.

It’s important to remember that each Vinyasa sequence is orchestrated by the breath. As the body finds a natural rhythm for each Vinyasa flow, strength is centered around a gentle inhale and exhale. Here are some Vinyasa sequences that will provide healthy challenges for those new and acquainted with yoga.


Beginning on the mat, arrive at a plank position. This is achieved at the level of difficulty most comfortable for the body. Knees may be on the mat or lifted in a holding position. Hold for several breaths.


Exhaling, bend the elbows to gently lower the body to the mat. The goal is to reach the lowest point of a traditional pushup, allowing the body to flow from a plank to a straight-line position. Although challenging, hold for a few breaths.


On the next inhale, allow the body to lower completely to the mat. The upper body remains lifted, gently reaching up as the hips remain on the ground. Remain in this stretch of the lower back for several breaths.

Downward-Facing Dog

On the next exhale, let the toes plant themselves firmly on the mat. Straighten the arms and lift the body into a downward position. Feet are firmly stabilized on the ground as the hands remain outstretched and the spine is elongated. Stay in this position for several breaths. An optional movement is to pedal the feet while in downward dog, providing the calf muscles with a gentle stretch.


Once you have reached the end of your Vinyasa practice, allow the body to cool down and rest in a comfortable position. Lie down on your back with the feet spread to the width of your mat, eyes closed, and palms facing toward the ceiling. This posture symbolizes the end of the workout, and is a time of relaxation for the body to acknowledge the work performed.

Vinyasa Yoga finds its strength in variety and is the perfect blend of power and grace for a balanced workout. Whether you are new or experienced to the practice of yoga, Vinyasa offers something for everyone. Let your body express itself in a new and creative way, flowing from sequence to hold with a posture of balanced wellness this spring season.

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