City Insight Magazine
Community & Non-Profit Insight Editor's Picks

You Were “Designed” to Create!

If you’ve been following this series of articles, you’ll remember in the last one we explored 4 simple questions that could help you discover if you have a “heart song” (a way you can make a difference in our communities) that is ready and waiting to be heard.  Here’s a quick reminder:

What would you do with an unending closet full of money?

What life experiences have you made it through that has provided you with wisdom that could help someone else?

What hobbies or projects do you enjoy doing?

What makes you really angry – or really sad?

The next question you might ask is – “Now what do I do with this information?”

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The good news is that there are 3 simple ways you can start to create your own methods to make a difference in the world, perhaps even finding ways to produce additional income for yourself. Here’s another piece of good news. Oftentimes you can get started with little or no out-of-pocket cost.

The first way is to create your own service offering. It might look a lot like work you’ve done as an employee, or, it might look like something you’ve taught yourself to do or have just always wanted to do. As an example, my first service offering was to lead and facilitate problem-solving teams. My employer had taught me how to do it, and I loved doing it. The first time I was hired by a company as a consultant to focus on this activity, I had more fun, and made more money, than I had done in any regular job.

The second option is truly a powerful one to consider. I call it creating your own knowledge product. It could be as simple as writing your own book. Yes, it is simple to write and self-publish a book these days through services like Perhaps not easy, but definitely simple, and it doesn’t even have to cost you a single penny to do it. Is it possible that your story could provide hope for someone else?

Not into creating a book? What about creating a class based on your unique knowledge? That’s what I teach at Wake Technical Community College. A class I created out of my own experience that helps people who are feeling “stuck” in unemployment. The school pays me to teach, and the students are able to take the class for free. Even if you don’t have the credentials to teach in a college, check out Wake Lifelong Learning. They are very flexible on letting lots of people offer classes on something they know.

And finally, the third simple option is to find an existing product that solves a problem you are passionate about, and get involved in finding people who want that solution. This option allows you to offer a pre-existing solution, and just focus on creating ways to help you find the people who want it. I like to call it being a connector. Connecting people to solutions they are looking for is one of the most valuable services anyone can offer, and it can be a wonderful source of income too.

Think on these things and see if you’re inspired to become a creator of solutions! We’ve all been “designed” to create, and the world needs new solutions more than ever before. What will YOU create?

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