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What’s “Your Song”?

What's Your Song

I created a class many years ago called “Find Your Song & Sing It: Finding or Creating Work You Love”. I did it to help the people I was running into that were either deeply unsatisfied with their current work, or were unexplainably “stuck” in the unemployment rut.

What's Your Song

The core of the class is based on the idea that we all have a “heart song” – something with great passion and/or purpose – that our heart is longing to do. The challenges of modern-day society have largely encouraged to ignore these promptings, until something happens in our life that causes us to rethink our life path.

I personally have been redirected by my subconscious at least twice that I can think of. First, after going through multiple lay-offs in corporate America, I shifted from being an employee to being an entrepreneur. The second time involved the foreclosure crisis era and a loss of most of what I had. That experience is what led me to learning about some of our wealth-challenged communities, and the hidden desires many of them have to be able to express their entrepreneurial ideas.

Perhaps 2020 has given you time to think about what your heart song might be. If nothing else, most of us have had more time to think this year. How did you use your time? Did you identify any promptings or urgings to find a way to create a new solution that could help others? Did you decide it was time for a career change? Did you just want to find a reputable organization and jump on board with them to help people in your community?

Many of the people I meet don’t even know where to begin in identifying their heart song, so allow me to give you 4 questions you can ask yourself that might help you get started.

  1. If you had a closet full of money that was never going to run out – what would you be doing with your time?
  2. What challenges or difficulties have you overcome in your life that have taught you something you could be teaching others?
  3. What hobbies or projects do you enjoy working on other than watching games or other similar leisure time activities?
  4. What do you see in your world that really makes you angry, or really makes you sad?

If you can honestly answer these 4 questions, you will have some really good keys to understanding more about yourself, and more about what your purpose or passion might be.

Not sure what to do with that knowledge? Be sure to look for the next article in this series where we will give you some simple ideas on how to get started!

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