City Insight Magazine
Community & Non-Profit Insight

Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network, Inc. works to combat homelessness

Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network, Inc. (WIHN) is a nonprofit corporation that aims to help homeless families regain stability in the Wake County area. To accomplish this mission, WIHN implemented various initiatives such as family mentoring for homelessness prevention and outgrowth e orts via housing and job training. In addition to these initiatives, WIHN also provides a Day Center, open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. is facility functions like a home, with a nursery and playroom, living area with a fridge and microwave, showers, and a laundry space. ere is also a designated room with a phone and computer for job-searching. In February 2011, WIHN began its Transitional Housing Program, with the 12 units to provide housing to the homeless for up to one year. In addition to providing intensive case management, life skills education and skill attainment, the WIHN sta facilitated support groups and referral services.

Another key component that makes WIHN work is having hosts. Over 30 local churches have volunteered to serve as hosts for the corporation, serving and supporting guests for 3 to 4 weeks each year. Lisa M. Mills, a former WIHN guest, said, “the best thing about the WIHN program was that they were able to keep me and my sons together during a time that we needed each other because there were no other shelters or programs that would accept older male children. For that reason alone, I will forever be so thankful.” With such a wide array of programs and support, WIHN de nitely makes a di erence in the Wake County area. For more information on eligibility requirements, visit

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