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The Ultimate Eating + Exercise Guide for Fast Weight Loss + Body Shaping

Article by Teresa Cutter, The Healthy Chef:

When it comes to weight loss, it’s all about switching your routine to burn more energy, revving up your metabolism, and eating the right kind of nutrient-dense foods for your activity level. For weight loss to work effectively, it’s important that you need to look at this as a lifestyle, not a diet, a lifestyle that will ultimately help you become leaner, fitter and healthier for the rest of your life.

Most of us gain weight for 3 simple reasons:

 1 We eat too much.

2 We eat the wrong kinds of foods.

3 We don¹t move enough.

Nutrition and exercise isn’t as complicated as it is often made out to be. There’s a sense of Œfood anxiety among many people who are trying their best to do the right thing. When it comes down to it, we’re all different and it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. My best advice is to keep it simple and customize your own diet and exercise program based on your unique needs and body shape.



Losing weight and becoming healthier doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes about 12 weeks to see significant changes in your body and health.


Before changing your diet and starting any fitness regime, get checked out by your medical practitioner, that way you’ll be able to rectify any deficiencies and hormone imbalances such as high insulin levels that can block fat burning in the body.


Do your own fridge audit  – throw out all the junk, packets of chips, processed foods, and cereal boxes filled with air and sugar. If you keep your kitchen free of junk, you can¹t eat it.


A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that a Mediterranean style diet combined with low carb is one of   the best ways of losing fat.  The diet is characterized by high intakes of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and plenty of fish.

I always keep a few bags of frozen veggies in the freezer so if I’m pushed for time and too tired to cook I can easy cook them up for dinner which is a lot healthier then ordering a take away pizza.  If you get home late or missed a meal, rather than going to bed on a full stomach, something like a protein shake made with almond milk and berries can do the trick.

Exercise increases your daily energy expenditure, which allows your body to burn more body fat. Choose activities you enjoy and do them regularly.



Choose 1

Strawberries + Cream Smoothie
Blend 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 1/2  cups almond milk, 2 Tablespoons of protein powder in a blender until smooth ­ Drink and enjoy.


1/2 cup Greek Style yoghurt topped with fresh berries, LSA and a little honey.


Handful roasted almonds
1 matcha green tea


Hummus with raw vegetables to dip

Blend 1 tin drained organic chickpeas with a little lemon, 2 tablespoons tahini, pinch of salt and 1/4 cup of iced water until smooth. Serve with raw garden vegetables and enjoy.


Detox Energy Salad
Place 2 large handfuls torn romaine lettuce into a serving bowl and top with 1 quartered avocado, 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds, 1 tablespoon goji berries and roasted almonds. Drizzle with cold pressed olive oil and a little aged balsamic then enjoy.

Afternoon snack
1 Protein shake + coconut water


Cauliflower fried Rice with ginger, turmeric and roasted tamari almonds.

Finely grate 1 cauliflower so it looks like rice. Stir-fry in a large deep pan with 1 tablespoon each grated ginger, turmeric, coconut oil and coriander root. Fold in chopped parsley, mint, 2 eggs, tamari soy sauce and fresh chopped coriander leaf. Cook for 5 minutes until eggs are cooked. Serve and enjoy garnished with roasted almonds or cashew nuts.


Green Pea + Spinach Risotto

Sauté 1-diced onion with 1/4 cup risotto rice and 2 tablespoons olive oil for 1 minute. Add 2 cups of vegetable or chicken stock and cook, stirring regularly until rice is tender and creamy. Blanch 2 cups of frozen peas and puree half in a blender with 2 handfuls baby spinach leaves. Add green puree to the risotto and fold through the whole green peas that are left. Add more stock if needed to loosen. Serve topped with grated parmesan and enjoy.


A combination of cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility training will ensure overall fitness and body shaping for your individual body type.

The cardio will get you fit and help you lose body fat.  Resistance training with increase your metabolic rate as well as shape and tone your body to look amazing!

Flexibility training (stretching) will increase recovery, create long lean muscles and encourage the release of toxins in the body.

7-day ultimate fast and furious work out:

*Do this routine daily.

20 minute cardio (walk, run, skip, cycle)

Free squats x 30 reps
Push-ups x 20 reps
Full Sit-ups x 20 reps

X 3

Lunges x 20 each leg
DB shoulder press x 30 reps
Supermans x 15

X 3

Stretch 10 minutes

About the author:

Cutter is one of Australia’s leading authorities on healthy cooking and the CEO of The Healthy Chef.  A nutritionist and a classically French-trained chef her natural talent and passion for food was rewarded early in her career winning Apprentice Of The Year two years running, followed by a Gold Medal at the Salon Cullinare.

Cutter is the author of four cookbooks (and one international bestseller):  Bite MeThe Anti-Aging Cookbook, Fit Food, The 80/20 diet, and 101 Ways to Lose Weight.  Cutter is currently working on 2 more cookbooks due for release later this year. She writes healthy recipes for the Sydney Morning Herald, as well as Women’s Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, Australian Doctor and has a solid grounding as a TV celebrity chef appearing on live TV and numerous cooking segments.

She has worked with companies including IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group) Blackmores, Clinique, Nivea, Horticultural Australia, BSC Body Science, The Health Department of Western Australia, Kamalaya Health Resort, Empire Clinic, Weight Watches, and Vitamix. Currently, she lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, Paul.

To learn more about Teresa, The Healthy Chef, and all products available, visit  Like us on, follow us on, and get to know us on




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