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Summer plants that will Jump-Start your Garden

The summer season brings new plants to help jump-start your garden and make it the best blooming paradise it can be.

Dahlias– These beautiful flowers can be planted during the summer and love lots of sun. They are easy to care for in warm weather and give your garden a pop of color. They take up to 12-16 weeks of planting and will stay until the first frost.

Helenium– This plant otherwise known as sneezeweed is a perennial that lives for more than two years. With special preparations, they are used for colds, headaches, and treatment for intestinal worms. These flowers are useful and will grow in your garden for a long time.

Love In a Mist – This plant is a good pollinator for bees and is good for treating high temperatures, menstruation, and catarrhal infections. The plant is an annual flower that can reseed itself and bloom in many other seasons besides summer.

Cornflowers – A common wildflower that helps attract pollinators, deter pests, and brighten up the area with color. They are good companions for other flowers and plants, and is an herb that can treat fever, constipation, water retention, and chest congestion. Cornflowers are easy to go and are a good first-time plant for beginner gardeners.

Sunflowers – Sunflowers are stable for the summer, and many know of their uses without being knowledgeable in gardening. The seeds are great to eat, and you can also make oil from the seeds as well. Sunflowers also have uses in the medicinal field for colds and coughs. They are easy to grow and are drought-tolerant, providing a lot of sunshine just like its namesake.

Catmint – The Catmint plant is an easy plant to start with and has beautiful purple flowers and can spread quickly. It has a long season of bloom, so the plant will be around for a long time without needing too much care. If you have cats, this plant gives them a nice high and is enjoyed by many felines while also keeping away insects and other animals.

Thyme – This herb is rich in vitamins A and C and is used in many dishes for cooking and is easy to grow. Growing your herbs helps you save a little from buying them in the stores, not to mention fresh produce is always welcomed in any meal. Thyme also has medicinal uses and is good for skincare and fighting acne.

Oregano – Another good herb for cooking, oregano also has many health benefits that need a list of their own. Having this plant around will help you come up with many uses for it. It is easy to grow and is tolerant of droughts; it’s a tough plant that grows fast, so be sure to provide it with the right care.

Mint – Mint is a popular herb known for its refreshing taste and uses in cooking and teas. It’s a fast grower and can help with your mental health along with boosting your immune system. It has many benefits and can be a useful plant to have for your household. Mint is a perennial plant that comes back during the summer. Be careful because it grows fast, and it’s best to make sure it is planted by companion plants, but other than that, it is easy to grow.

It is always important to do your research before undertaking a garden. These plants are all different and have different needs and soil. There are many resources to use when finding out how to care for specific plants, and there are always newcomers joining in to get their green thumbs. With the weather getting warm, now is the best time to get your hands dirty and plant something new.

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