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Preneur Pro Tips: Brand Your Resilience

Understand that a brand is what distinguishes you from the competition. It is not about fashion or flare, but about making the consumer choose you. This world is full of people that can do and be better, why should a client or a company choose you? Buzz Lightyear said it best, “This isn’t flying, this is falling with style.” The world is an uncertain place that is changing every day. Things that you once counted on are not available. I used to do entrepreneurial fairs, which are not possible in the foreseeable future. Many professionals that offered event services have to rethink how they will make their living in light of our current social distancing. 

Abonni Anthony

Have you ever heard the phrase, Fail Forward? Experiences that were once seen as negative such as failure and correction can now be seen as opportunities for innovation. You can brand your resiliency through your persistence to find the better. The better process, the better product or the better you. What do people see when you fail? When you dance and fall do you add the move to the routine?

When you make errors in your presentation do you stop performing and begin speaking from the heart? Branding is a cultural value that is delivered consistently to the customer. Resilience is the ability to recover quickly. Is that what you deliver on a consistent basis? Entrepreneurs will have to change and improve their product or service. Intrapreneurs will have to change jobs or adapt to a different manager. Both will have to fail forward and brand their resilience.

A unique position in business is the nonprofit entrepreneur. They are building businesses that will not be a part of their legacy in possession, but in service. Serving the community will always have failures because the organization is measured by such a vast need. Resilience is a must to combat the challenges that befall you.

Do your best to build the trust of those you serve as well as those that give to you. The money you take in is not to build personal wealth, but to build the lives of those you serve. Alana Knows Nonprofits is a company that aids the nonprofit entrepreneur to strengthen their skills. She and I are joining forces as we teach nonprofit entrepreneurs to fail forward with resilience to quickly recover from lack of nonprofit financial knowledge. 

Make sure to stay tuned, as the details for the next class will be announced soon

We are moving forward . . . Achieving Excellence!!! 

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