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Pet-Friendly Summer activities to do with your Four-legged friend

Summer is a great time to spend with your four-legged friend. Here are some activities to help you and your pet stay active for the season.

Dog Park Events/ Pet Events – Many dog parks and local communities hold events to share and enthuse about their favorite four-legged friends. Take this time to search around and get involved in a community of animal lovers, and let your pet make some new friends.

Visit Local Farm Animal Events – Local farms hold pet-friendly events where your pet can enjoy fresh produce that’s good for their health, while interacting with other animals in the area.

Water Day with Your Pet – Get your pet a pool or some sprinklers and let them enjoy a cool day in the sun with fun water activities. You can even bring friends and let their pets join in on the fun. All involved will have a good time getting used to water and maybe even learning how to swim.

New Areas to Walk Around – Find new and safe areas that would be great for you and your pet. Just like humans, pets can do well with a change of scenery and it helps them get used to new environments that they may face, during their time with you.

Homemade Summer Treats – Store-bought pet treats can get pretty expensive. Take this time to look up simple recipes and surprise your pet with a homemade treat made with love by you.

Planned Playdates – Gather your other friends who have pets and plan a nice play date with them so your furry friends can find companionship, just like you have with their owner.

Pet Conventions – There is a whole world of pet enthusiasts that are waiting to be discovered and pet conventions show off new tips and tricks along with up-and-coming products for your pet to enjoy. It always helps to learn something new about pet care, and conventions are the perfect place to find that.

These are just a few ideas to get you and your pet to start being more active around your community. Our four legged friends mean a lot to us and it’s important to get them moving and active for their sake, and anytime with a beloved animal is time well spent.

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