City Insight Magazine
Community & Non-Profit Insight Editor's Picks

Non-Profits: Making A Difference In Raleigh

It can be hard to find genuinely good people in the world sometimes. It seems that our news is brimming with some pretty terrible stories of the hurt that people can inflict. However, to find some decency in the world, you have to look no further than the non-profit organizations in Raleigh.

Of course, one of the biggest non-profits is the American Red Cross, and the Triangle Region is comprised of five chapters and serves a population of more than 2 million people. This organization provides lifesaving services and disaster relief 24/7 to anyone in need. These services include helping people prepare for, prevent, and respond to emergencies by providing knowledge and support. Check out the Triangle chapter at 

Another amazing non-profit organization in North Carolina is the Special Olympics North Carolina. This organization provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.  With roughly 40,000 registered athletes, the SONC is one of the largest Special Olympics programs in the world. The 2015 Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games were held in Raleigh and Cary on May 29 – 31. This organization is truly remarkable and more information can be found on their website,

Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network, Inc is located at 903 Method Road and its mission is to help homeless families get back on their feet by providing shelter, meals and support. The North Raleigh Arts and Creative Theatre located at 7713-511 Leadmine Road is a teaching community theatre for both children and adults. Inter-faith Food Shuttle located at 1001 Blair Drive mission is to end hunger in the community by providing job training, nutrition education and food distribution. Advance Community Health located at 1001 Rock Quarry Road primary care services to uninsured and medically-underserved patients.


These are just a few of the many of selfless and inspirational organizations working to make a difference within the world. I encourage everyone to find a cause you are passionate about and team up to make change within your community! After all, it is non-profit organizations that are truly working towards a better tomorrow!

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