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LD Consulting LLC: Lynn DelGaudio is Helping to Create a Better You!

Today’s society seems like it cares about one thing above all else: appearance! You cannot open a magazine or turn on the television without being bombarded by ads for products and services that promise a thinner, prettier, more desirable you. And yet, these fad diets, pills, and machines seem to ignore a major component of leading a healthier lifestyle: mental hygiene. To look better on the outside, you must feel good on the inside. This is one reason why Lynn DelGaudio formed LD Consulting to help people find their healthier self from the inside out. 

As Lynn points out, we live in very physically focused world: we get sick, we go to the doctor. We go to the gym so that we can be strong. We get a cavity we go to the dentist. We try to eat well. We pay so much attention to our physical form, comfort, performance, and especially appearance, but how often do we think about what we are thinking about? Lynn challenges clients to really examine their thinking, and argues that our mental hygiene is just as, if not more important than our physical.

LD Consulting was formed around 2017 when Ms. DelGaudio earned an Integrative Health Coaching certification through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City. As her passion grew, she soon left her full-time banking job in order to pursue a career helping others be their best selves. Having always been interested in health and wellness and the methodology behind reducing stress to increase joy, it was a no-brainer for Ms. DelGaudio to enter the field. In fact, throughout her corporate career, she often facilitated stress-reduction sessions and encouraged better living through teaching breathing classes, kids’ yoga, core strength training, and the like. 

However, what really kicked off Ms. DelGaudio’s passion for health and wellness was a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury she suffered in 2014. Following the injury, Lynn quickly learned that healing the brain and body would require keen and committed attention to her thinking. In her book Altered on Impactshe details her own experiences with toxic, negative, stressful thinking and how shifting those patterns into ones of positivity, appreciation and trust impacted her healing and her overall health and happiness. Throughout the healing process she consistently employed the power of positive, deliberate thought and developed a variety of tools that helped completely redesign her mind, creating a new reality for herself. Her book offers specific exercises and instructions that will help readers enact their own redesign of the mind for self-empowerment and well-being. 

As an Integrative Health and Mindset Coach, Ms. DelGaudio helps clients initiate a healthier lifestyle by focusing on more than just diet. She believes that being healthy incorporates our relationships, careers, creative outlets, and so on. Working with LD Consulting, you will develop a mindset that not only emphasizes health and nourishment, but also stress reduction and accessing and shifting limiting beliefs that hold us back from being our best selves. Oftentimes, it is our own stress and negative thinking that hinders us from achieving our goals. Once we change this, everything else falls into place. 

Your experience with LD Consulting begins with a discovery session that assess all aspects of the client’s current state of well-being. Based on that conversation, clients establish goals they wish to achieve during the coaching program. Lynn works with clients to reach those goals through small achievable steps. Three and six-month coaching programs are offered. Meeting twice a month, Lynn helps her clients monitor their progress toward achieving their goals. Adjustments are made as needed. 

LD Consulting also offers public speaking and workshops on topics including nutrition, mindset and overall health and well-being. Through LD Consulting, Lynn DelGaudio’s goal is to help and inspire others to live up to their highest potential by unlocking beliefs that are sabotaging success, enabling her clients to unleash the power they already hold within. She wants everyone to realize that bliss is not a luxury, but a birthright and achieving it is far easier than we believe. With her help, we can all “Live Deliberately”! 

Learn more about LD Consulting and Ms. DelGaudio at

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