City Insight Magazine
Health & Wellness Insight

How to Come Back After COVID-19 and the First Pandemic in THE United States

How to Come Back After COVID-19 and the First Pandemic in THE United States

January 1st, 2021 many phones will be alarming with text messages to millions around the world with Gif files, emojis and text saying, “Happy New Years!” My question for you is: what is your mindset for the second year in the new decade? Is It The Beginning Or Is it The End? Well, the picture describes your answer best.

As a Hope Catalyst the purpose of this article is to leave an indelible impression on you that helps you carve out your intentions for pursuing your purpose this year. Given the climate of the universe, it is imperative that we all reshift our thinking as we reset and realign our thinking, which will then turn into new habits and behavior patterns for this new year.

How to determine whether you will be mindful and hopeful or mindless and hopeless, has to do with whether you brought those matters from last year into this year. Now we do understand for many there are some shocking, frightening, frustrating, hurtful things that were experienced. We also understand many are still in situations, which may be uncomfortable and are straining to remained focused on the positive after all they have endured.

Please see examples of ways to successfully shift after the reality sinks in for everyone. The main way anyone can start this process is by first accepting the situation. This normally comes after the stages of emotions which is not only dealt with in grief, but with disappointment and setbacks too.

Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross came up with a model which describes how many people experiencing losses go through a series of these five emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

In order to help you go forward we have to clean out mental house. I want to broaden the scope losses in general. The answer to the question above regarding you being hopeless or hopeful has to do with if you have made it to stage five. If you have not accepted the loss and began to adjust you may still hopeless after the pandemic and you are experiencing: 1. intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; acute sorrow; deep sadness.

You see, as a human a loss is a loss whether it is a job, a career change, or position on the job, losing a loved one, and the list goes on for things that cause people shut down and grief over.

Or, that dilemma is defined as 2. a cause or subject of such suffering caused by informal trouble or annoyance. If you still troubled or annoyed you cannot focus, plan or move forward with hope without regressing. Therefore, today if you are reading this article you are destined to take control of the matter and get it all out.

What does that mean. Scream, shout, cry or do what you must then pray and let go and let God. He heard your cry, and the results are written. Cast your cares unto your higher power and then we can move on. Now you can begin to focus and find deep faith. Everyone has their own Super power. Mine is the Word of God. Hebrews 11.1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”

Reevaluate yourself to see have you made it to stage five: if not, heed the message:

Denial – We must stop pretending it didn’t happen and come to realization that it did. Stop reliving the situation and begin to learn to cope with the facts and undeniable truth.

Anger – We must get angry and feel that pain then release it once and for all. We have to find a healthy way to channel the anger, so it becomes a positive and not a negative.

Bargaining – We have to stop bargaining to become proactive steps to resolve personal life and make adjustment with the new normal.

Depression – We must identify the depression and keep the bright lights on. Light and darkness cannot coexist. Identify the empty and numbness and counter it will joyful, hopeful emotions, thoughts and then actions.

Acceptance – Become stabilized with the facts and learn to keep on going. Now you have to find the positive and relent the negative and begin building the legacy and keep only the things that help you progress.

Congratulations if you made it to stage five! You are ready to define your God Given talents and you can go be great. Look ahead and keep the faith. All things are possible for them that believe. Honor your loved ones and begin to live your life to the fullest and reclaim your rightful place. Many blessing to all and keep your mind over your matter and always. What didn’t break you will make you stronger. You are more than a conqueror. You got this so begin one stage at a time.

For those of you who have been fortunate and have not had any losses or have been grieving from the pandemic in 2020. Perhaps you have not been personally affected with any situations, and you just want a fresh start in business.
Be sure to implement time management , prioritizing and balancing into the equation.

One of the first things I learned when becoming an entrepreneur is the importance of all three of these components.

If you are a working class individual always remember to utilize organizational tools and prioritize your health and fitness and all else will come easy.

I did not want to only insinuate that everyone hit a low or bleak point in 2020. For many it was a resetting in a positive way and the year of your personal evolution. So remain hopeful and prayerful and continue to find more ways to prosper and be in good health.

Last but not least, do not be consumed by the media and the things happening in the world. It can trigger anxiety and cause you to lose focus. Limit your access to negativity and you are guaranteed to think positive with the right mindset. Otherwise you will be looking at the matters of the world and be cluttered emotionally.

Regardless of which category you fall in, we must realize we are all blessed to still be living. Please be reminded that we must find a way to accent the positive and relent the negative while learning to find the good and dwell in those things and remain hopeful. I feels so much better overall and affects your mind, body and spirit.

May you have a Happy New Year’s. I wish you peace, love, joy, hope and happiness.

Crystal Bodie Smith
“Stirring Up The Gifts, Instilling Hope, and Saving Lives

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