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Cat Companions: 5 Reasons A Cat is Right for You

Cats. Furry, temperamental eight-pound companions can be found in many homes across the country. For many Americans, cats are an inherent part of life. Whether being an owner or knowing one, almost everyone encounters cats semi-often. For those that may not own them, they can look like a lot of work, and they are! Although most owners would insist they are worth every scoop of poop and vet trip. But have you ever asked why so many feel like all this extra work is worth it, aside from the cute factor? Well, here are five reasons why cats are a great addition to any home!


In the past two years, many Americans have been vocal about the lack of companionship and loneliness brought on by the pandemic. It has definitely been hard to find a way to keep company, but pets are a great way to combat this. While an animal is a massive commitment that requires a lot of consideration and preparation, they are nonetheless a great way to help a home feel more alive and fuller, especially for those living alone.

Animals provide consistent company, even if they are more solitary animals like cats. Many cats warm up to their humans with time and, after a few months, can be nigh-on inseparable from their owners.

(Ironically) Responsibility

Anyone who has owned a pet will tell you: they’re a lot of work! Between vet visits, litter boxes, food, and other essential activities, pets can be quite a bit of responsibility. However, they are great for children and young people who’d like to improve their level of responsibility and reliability. It is always good to have an adult that will also take care of the animal if the child has trouble, but they can be a great way for kids to learn how to care for a living thing.

Of course, this alone is not a good reason to get a pet, but having a fluffy companion for your child to bond with and care for can be great both for their level of responsibility and general happiness. After all, who’s ever met a child who didn’t love fluffy things?

Mental Health

Americans often have mental health struggles, especially younger Americans. Thankfully, many resources have become much more accessible in recent years to aid in these struggles. However, mental health care requires a multi-path approach, including changes to lifestyle and habits. Oftentimes those struggling with mental health will decide to get a pet to help improve their mental state, and there is some evidence to suggest they do in fact help!

According to a 2017 review of studies conducted by the Universities of Liverpool, Manchester, and Southampton in the UK, found that there is some evidence for the positive impacts of pet ownership on mental health. Of the seventeen studies examined, fifteen found some positive attributes of pet ownership for those suffering from mental health issues. Although more research is necessary, it seems that your furry friends can help keep you a little more grounded!

Allergy and Asthma Aversion

Many of us suffer from allergies in our day-to-day life. Whether seasonal, food, or medication-related, allergies are a reality of life for many. Well, as it turns out, your furry friends can help with that too! A study conducted in Australia by the University of Sydney, Utrecht University, and the Woolcock Institute for Medical Research evaluated 224 Australians over the course of twenty years to determine if owning pets had any effect on a person’s likelihood to develop asthma or atopy (an immune issue that makes you more likely to develop allergies.)  

Over the course of the study, it was found that people who owned cats before the age of eighteen, and those who owned cats both before and after eighteen showed greater protection against asthma and atopy symptoms. So a little furry companion can help protect children and teenagers from future struggles with respiratory issues!

Heart Health

Heart health is a big concern for older Americans. Whether it be stress, weight, or general health, many may be concerned about the health of their heart. But once again, cats are to the rescue! A study by the University of Minnesota explored whether cat ownership has any effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease in their owners.

The study found that cat owners had a noticeably decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases. This was suggested to be due to the natural calming effect that cats can have on their owners when cuddling or petting them, but could also be due to some traits inherent to people who are naturally cat owners. Nonetheless, a cat cuddled up with you on the couch seems to be a much more exciting tool for heart health than exercise!

Take Away

Cats aren’t for everyone. Not everyone is as charmed by their furry shenanigans as others, and that’s totally okay! But if you’re someone on the fence about getting a pet, either for yourself or for your child, maybe a few of these benefits resonate with you. Cats can be a great addition to any family, and your local shelter would jump at the chance to give one or two a good home. So, if you think you could benefit from a cat in your home and an addition to your family, perhaps it’s time to take a look at your local shelter’s website?

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